A full year without you Princess

2013 November 22

Created by Clair 10 years ago
Well my beautiful little girl, I cant believe its already 1 full year without you. Me and your daddy and Oliver & Rowan miss you so much. We have thought about you a lot today and cried even more, but really its just another day without you. Your brothers went to school today and Oliver took his glass heart that we had made with your ashes in for 'Show & Tell'. I remember when he asked if he could take you in to Show and Tell when you were a few weeks old. He was just as proud of you today as he was then and he loved showing you off to all of his friends, even though it was a different situation to last time. Me and your daddy went to the crematorium to think about you today. We both feel close to you there and we have decided that we will get a memorial plot sorted out for your birthday. I think you will love it. After the boys got home from school, we put our christmas tree up. They were so excited, and have decorated it themselves, but when they go to bed, i will have to rearrange a few things, but don't tell them. Amy came round this evening too. We ordered a chinese takeaway for tea, which was nice. I think you would have liked to tuck into that too. I have made a facebook page for you recently and the response has been amazing. We now have over 700 likes, which is just unbelievable and not something that i could ever have imagined, but your story has touched so many hearts, and its the least you deserve. All of your friends at nursery have sent some balloons upto you today. Hope that you got them and enjoy playing with them with all of your angel friends. Lots of family and friends have been thinking about you today too. Some of them have also put their tree up and others have sent you some balloons, put some pink lights up in their window and drawn pictures of christmas trees. You have been very popular today. Anyway, thats all for now. I will write again soon to let you know more news. Love you lots princess, Love from Mummy xxx
